Sunday 22 April 2012

$138 instead of $250, 44% off Extensive Blood Test. Includes Full Blood Count, STD, Diabetic, Hepatitis, Lipid, Thyroid, Kidney & Liver Function Screening.

Are you taking adequate care of your health?.... Early detection helps and prevent potential health risk.                                                             

We're health and wellness establishment, at Care Forever International, we offer a full range of services and workshop that include Extensive Blood Screening, Therapuetic-services, facial services and we only carry the highest quality of skin, body and nutrition products, and we provide the best support and pricing to our customers.


We are all familiar with the notion that while money can certainly buy a lot of things, health isn't one of them. And while ignorance is bliss, this conviction certainly doesn't apply when it comes to one's physical wellness. Don't live in darkness any longer, instead, make one of the best decisions of your life and make an appointment  with us for an extensive blood test which is conducted by a reputable diagnosis centre.

With this test, customers will undergo a thorough blood test that includes urinalysis and full blood count testing, as well as STD, tumour markers, diabetics, lipid, hepatitis, thyroid, kidney & liver function screening. Results will be provided within 14 working days later, complete with an analysis report as well as diet recommendations from the company's in-house nutritionist.

Full Blood Count         Joint Screening (Gout)          Hepatitis Screening  
- Haemoglobin    - Uric Acid    - Hepatitis Bs Antigen  
- Total red blood cell count   - Calcium    - Hepatitis Bs Antibody  
- Pack cell volume    - Phosphate    - Hepatitis AigG Antibody  
- Red cell indices    - RA Factor    Tumour Markers  
- Total white blood cell count    Lipid Screening    - Alpha Fetoprotein  
- Differential count    - Total Cholesterol    - Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)  
- Platelet count    - Triglycerides    - Carbohydrate Antigen (CA 19-9)  
- Peripheral blood film   -  HDL Cholesterol    - Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)- Male  
- ESR    - LDL Cholesterol    - Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125)- Female  
Diabetic Screening   - Total chol/HDL ratio   Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening  
- Glucose   Liver Function Screening   - VDRL  
Kidney Function Screening   - Total protein Urinalysis  
- Sodium   - Alburnin   - Urine FEME  
- Potassium   - Globulin      
- Chloride   - A/G-ration      
- Creatinine   - Total biirubin      
- Urea   - Alkaline phosphatase      
Thyroid Screening   - SGOT/AST      
- Free T4   - Gamma GT      
- TSH (Thyroid Simulation Hormone)

What our customer say
Going for an extensive blood test was definitely helpful, it really opened my eyes to what to watch out for and what kind of foods to avoid as well. Worth every dollar spent."- Rinalidi Widyanto 49.         
I have never gone through blood test before. I convinced myself to go and I was so surpised that at my age, I've got a very high cholesterol level ( at 241 mg/dl ), which is very risky for my health. I'm so glad that I went for it and through the consultations, I have learnt to control my lifestyle and eating "  -  Bernard Chua 35.


  • Analysis will be provided in the report given on date of collection
  • Conducted by a reputable diagnosis centre
  • After collection of results, nutritionist will share expertise on suitable foods for each respective customer
  • For register on-line email us at with your full name, NRIC no., contact no, address, gender, date of birth and preferred time slot.
  • Session conveniently located at Eu Tong Sen Street, opposite Clarke Quay MRT station, Exit B.
  • Customers are required to fast for 12 hours before your appointment, as fasting allows the blood sugar to stabilise for more accurate and consistent results.
  • Can pay by cash. For bank transfer, please contact us at +65 96398523 or email

We're here to help
Contact us at +65 96398523 for more information on upcoming event or make an appointment with us today. 

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