Wednesday 25 April 2012

Do you find yourself wishing you could clean everything in your home from dishes to floors, clothing to windows, using only one fantastic detergent? Well, now you can! The revolutionary formula in Aloe MPD is rough on dirt and grime with a highly concentrated liquid formula, but easy on your clothes, your home, and the environment with the softening, gentle power of real Aloe Vera. Your hands will give you a round of applause!

Forever Aloe MPD - Code: 701
MPD - Multi-Purpose Detergent. Now you can do it all with one detergent! This concentrated Aloe detergent cleans everything from dishes to floors, clothing, and windows. Cleaning couldn't be simpler or safer.

Do you find yourself wishing you could clean everything in your home from dishes to floors, clothing to windows, using only one fantastic detergent? Well, now you can! The revolutionary formula in Aloe MPD is rough on dirt and grime with a highly concentrated liquid formula, but easy on your clothes, your home, and the environment with the softening, gentle power of real Aloe Vera. Your hands will give you a round of applause!

Contents: 946ml - S$47.08

蘆薈多用途洗潔精 (濃縮)
強力清潔污垢又可以保護你的玉手 利用蘆薈的天然強勁洗淨力,不但能有效去除油漬污垢及抑制細菌成長,且能保護玉手及珍貴衣物,蘆薈多用途洗潔精,不含螢光劑及陽離子型界面活性劑,洗後物品不會殘留毒物。天然的成份能為微生物所分解,不會造成環境問題。本產品除了能有效清潔廚房用具、塑膠製品、衛浴設備、磁碟、地毯和碗盤,還能洗淨一切纖維衣物。
(MPD的瓶蓋容量:1瓶蓋=120cc)1.洗濯衣物:加30cc之MPD於洗衣機或4公升的水中,污濁或油漬之重型衣物或布料如窗簾、床單的使用量則須增至40~50cc。2.污漬處理:MPD倒於污漬上面,10分鐘後再漂洗乾淨。3.清潔地毯:用稀釋瓶取水和MPD比為1:1稀釋後,噴於地毯上,洗刷後抹淨吸乾。4.用品清潔:用稀釋瓶取20cc MPD稀釋致500cc噴於桌面、玻璃、傢俱、廚具、衛浴設備、汽車及碗碟上直接擦洗、沖掉即可。5.本產品發泡性強請勿用於自動洗碗機上,並勿觸及眼睛或吞食。

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