Wednesday 25 April 2012

自然界中最完整的青春不老活力元素-永久石榴活力露 - "Age Without Getting Old". We should increase our intake Antioxidants as we get older in order to maintain our Youthful Balance.

Q). Where can we get our antioxidants?.
A). Our body has its own internal system of antioxidant enzymes to combat free radicals , unfortunately our antioxidant system tends to weaken as we age, it is said that generally by age 25, Our body's production of antioxidants will start to decrease compare to our generation of free radicals, hence leading to gradual mental and physical decline. Therefore we should increase our intake Antioxidants as we get older in order to maintain our Youthful Balance. During periods when there is an increased production of free radicals, such as when are under stress or when we are doing strenuous exercise, an extra boost of antioxidant is also helpful for strengthening.Luckily for us we can increase the antioxidant level in our body through intake of antioxidant-containing foods etc fruits and vegetables Especially those which are high in antioxidants are commonly associated with long-term health benefits, however most people cannot obtain the sufficient amount of antioxidants from their intake of fruits and vegetables as it takes a declaratively large portion of fruits and vegetables to provide the adequate amounts of antioxidants that the body need daily. 


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